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Award-Winning Unified Communication Platform
Trusted by Companies of All Sizes.
“We absolutely love the reliability of service and the responsiveness of the team”
Nicole Sithithavorn, Remodel USA
We support all top brands including Polycom, Cisco, Yealink, and more. Keep your exiting phones for saving or buy new at 50% off.
Instant automated greeting that lets callers choose the person or department they are trying to reach. Also known as IVR.
Your voicemail delivered to your email with voice and Transcription.
The right person should answer your important call all the time. Route your calls dynamically based on the hour of the day or day of the week.
Organize employees, teams, and departments into queues so that callers will be routed to the next available company representative in the selected queue
Stay connected with you customers, employees and partners using our apps on any device (windows, MAC, Android, iOS)
Manage teams, customers and employees by sending and receiving text messages through the ULTATEL HUB app
Our business phone solutions come with unlimited calling, texting, messaging, video, and meetings.
A cloud phone system removes outdated and unnecessary expenses, ultimately saving money for your business.
Allow you to customize features and set the number of users based on your needs.
Dedicated customer support to give you expert solutions even for simple queries.
99.999% uptime guarantee.
Works on all your device without the need of additional equipment.
Keep your existing phone numbers.
Copyright 2024 ULTATEL, LLC | All Rights Reserved
Trusted by Companies of All Sizes.
Trusted by Companies of All Sizes.
Trusted by Companies of All Sizes.
Trusted by Companies of All Sizes.
Trusted by Companies of All Sizes.